Why join HHI?
We give away guns, gear and ammo worth many more times what a membership costs, and you are automatically entered to win each month!
We have the friendliest, easiest to use, most well-moderated shooting and hunting forum on the internet!
We are dedicated to supporting and growing the handgun hunting community.
We are an inclusive community that welcomes any handgun hunter, no matter what safe, legal method they use.
Membership is $4.99/mo
(Save when you sign up for 1 year!)
Shop our merch store so you can represent the handgun hunting community!
Membership Includes:
Access to our online community
Content specific, moderated forums for all handgun hunters.
Enjoy interacting with our community. No matter your experience level or legal method used to hunt, you are welcome! We are here to support each other and grow this incredible community.
Monthly giveaways
We giveaway guns, gear, and ammo.
We gather items that are useful to the handgun hunter and give them away! Members are automatically entered to win. See our terms and conditions here.
Access to the Member's Shop
Gear available to members only.
When you're a member, you get access to items that are only available to other members! Items that let others know you're a part of HHI.
Membership is $4.99/mo
(Save when you sign up for 1 year!)
When I first heard Ryan was re-forming Handgun Hunters International, it came as most refreshing news. Let’s all help rekindle HHI and generate more interest in our favorite passion – handgun hunting.
-Mark Hampton
I was happy to learn of Ryan’s interesting in activating HHI and certainly hope it will continue for many years.
-JD Jones
Thank goodness HHI is back! The timing is perfect! We are once seeing an increase in handgun hunters, and there will be no better sources of information to both hunters new to handguns, or old Rangers than being involved with HHI!
-Larry Weishuhn
Shop our merch store so you can represent the handgun hunting community!
How does your business serve the handgun hunting community?
Are you a business that can answer that question? If so, consider becoming a business sponsor of HHI!
We have very reasonable rates for ads in the Sixgunner, on the Shortgun Sportsman podcast, and our YouTube videos. We're always looking for businesses to sponsor our giveaways, as well. As a bonus, you'll get access to surveys of our membership, a link to your website from our page, and opportunities to reach a group of dedicated handgun hunters through affiliate and discount code marketing. For details, please email:
(HHI does not share the contact info of our members.)

Access issues of the classic Sixgunner publication for FREE!
We are in the process of uploading every issue of the of the classic Sixgunner magazine that ran from 1979-2016. We believe this information is valuable and should be available to everyone, free of charge.